• Translating scientific research and patents into innovative and viable business opportunities
  • Understanding and exploiting trends in Life Sciences
  • Negotiating creating and claiming value
  • Leadership performance in directing business and people
  • Courses and other educational activities within business and life science are listed here as an additional educational resource.

  • Short educational papers about life science business topics are listed here. The papers provide 1) a theoretical introduction to the topic including concepts and models or 2) a case description or 3) guidance for your work with the topic.

  • Short description of the educational coordinator(s) activities.


CBS-BIO educates cross-disciplinary students and alumni for leadership, intrapreneurship & entrepreneurship activities relevant to all life science companies ranging from start-ups to established life science companies.

The relevant industries include pharmaceutical, medtech and food-related bioscience industries. The first year of the master programme in Bioentrepreneurship takes place at the University of Copenhagen or the Danish Technical University or similar universities and the second year takes place at Copenhagen Business School (CBS). We offer courses in valuation/financing, business development, market analysis and other core business processes in bio companies taught by industry experts and high-quality academic faculty and we draw on real-life cases and insight into bio ventures. Moreover, a three-month internship in one of Denmark’s leading life-science companies is an option for students.

As a result of our fruitful university-industry collaboration companies engage with CBS-BIO about internships, business plan cases and to provide perspectives from the industry in the classroom as well as on the CBS-BIO Advisory Board. In 2020 Copenhagen Business School, the MSc in Business Administration and Bioentrepreneurship (CBS-BIO), received a grant from the Novo Nordisk Foundation to help support the development of the programme and to conduct extracurricular activities, which are the focus of this homepage..

CBS-BIO educates cross-disciplinary students for intrapreneurship & entrepreneurship activities relevant to all life science companies ranging from start-ups to established life science companies.

The relevant industries include pharmaceutical, medtech and food-related bioscience industries. The first year takes place at the University of Copenhagen or the Danish Technical University or similar universities and the second year takes place at Copenhagen Business School (CBS). We offer courses in valuation/financing, business development, market analysis and other core business processes in bio companies taught by industry experts and high-quality academic faculty and we draw on real-life cases and insight into bio ventures. Moreover, a three-month internship in one of Denmark’s leading life-science companies.

As a result of our fruitful university-industry collaboration companies engage with CBS-BIO about internships, business plan cases and to provide perspectives from the industry in the class room as well as on the CBS-BIO Advisory Board. In 2020 Copenhagen Business School, the MSc in Business Administration and Bioentrepreneurship (CBS-BIO), received a grant from the Novo Nordisk Foundation to help support the development of the programme.

Need to know more?

Contact us

Palle Høy Jakobsen, PhD & DMSc.

Teaching Ass. Professor & Programme Director for CBS-BIO extracurricular activities

Department of Strategy and Innovation

Copenhagen Business School

Kilevej 14A, K. 2.73

2000 Frederiksberg


Mail: phj.si@cbs.dk